
Burnt out but plugging away!


Bet you thought I'd never come back, huh? Well, sorry to disappoint. Haven't really had a whole lot going on so there hasn't been much to say. Actually, that's not entirely true. There's plenty to say, but I know when to say when. Some things should just be held in check and saved for a later day.

I've been so busy with work and fighting some random unhealthy mental state that I realized the things I wanted to say and do were merely a byproduct of the mental unrest and wouldn't have been said in earnest. Rather, they would have been mere nonsensical outbursts meant to fill a void created by a lack of motivation to make any fucking contribution of worth.

Ok. Let me reread what I write before I go on. Hmmm...mhmm....k...alright....good. That made some sense so I don't gotta change anything.

Truth is, I just need a vacation. Not from work. Not from friends and family. Not from Call of Duty. I need a vacation from the world! I can just feel how everything that's going on around me is having some effect whether big or small on my current state of being. Unfortunately it feels like there's more bad than good and that's never a good thing. I'm a pessimist and a skeptic. I speak the language of sarcasm and roll facetiousness from my tongue like a cursing Frenchman (thanks Matrix!). No, I'm not that way because of how I feel. I'm that way because I can spin it into humor and those who know me just get it. I never speak with malice. There's nothing underlying my tone. It's just what I know.

Since there's no way to avoid the world, I had an idea of how to get away for a certain amount of time and not be bothered by anything... A medically-induced coma! Seriously. How has no one thought of this before? You can just get knocked out for any amount of time and just ddrreeaaammm. You'd have no worries. No stress. Well, maybe some. There is the possibility of having a prolonged nightmare, but that comes with the territory. You could be under for a couple days and come out feeling lime it was a lifetime. The again you could also come out after a month and feel like it was an hour. That would suck. Again, a small risk to take for the benefit of ones own sanity.

Fear not, reader. I have no plans of doing something that ridiculous. To be honest, I really just wanted to see how odd that idea would sound when read aloud. Yep. It's fucking weird. Come to think of it, it's pretty Total Recall-ish. Shit. Someone did think about it, already! Fuck me. I can't win. Guess I'll stick to wine.

Smell ya's lata!

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