
Goodbye and thanks for all the turds!

Hey all. It's a me, Sergio! I know you missed me. I missed you, too.

Sucks not being around here as much as I used to. Unfortunately, there's been too much going on and I just haven't been able to sit around long enough to form cohesive thoughts for more than 140 characters. I've found that Twitter/Tumblr have been far better...wait...no...not better. That's not the right word. I think 'convenience' is key, here. yeah. They've been more convenient and allow me to get those quick bursts of brain doody out into the virtual world.

I guess it's obvious what I'm getting at. I simply will be leaving this section of the blogosphere and concentrating more on the microblogs. As much as I love Blogger and the freedom it allows, it's just not good to have this sitting here, collecting dust the way it has. I still have a lot to say, but I just don't have the time to sit around and type out essays every time. I'll still be babbling on, but in shorter, quicker bursts. I mean, it's not like I wasn't using those outlets before. I would come on here and type away for a while, but now that just isn't in me. Fortunately, tumblr seems to allow for good sized posts, so I don't have to hold back. And if you look over at the top right of this page, you'll see a twitter feed, so you can still check that out, but wouldn't it just be easier to follow me on there?

Ok, I'm not dragging this on any longer than I already have. Farewell for now! Don't think of it as me leaving for good, but more like me just moving into a cozier house across the street. Come on over and have a beer some time! My doors always open for you guys.

Twitter: @amonkeyonacid
Tumblr: http://sergioazevedo.tumblr.com/

